Easy Carbonated Soda Water Cake
200gm inst pancake flour
- 50gm sugar
- 4 tbsp cocoa powder (you can add more if you like)
- 1 egg
- 100-200ml plain soda water without sugar/carbonated soda water - schweppes brand or others
- 2 tbsp coffee oil (optional)
- 4tbsp coking oil (you can add double oil to make more wet & super moist cake)
- 1 tsp vanilla essence (optional)
- 50gm raisin or dried mixed fruit
- a pinch of salt (optional)
- Sift dry ingredients into a large mixing bowl. Add remaining ingredients and mix with a large spoon until smooth. Spoon into a greased and floured baking pan. Bake at 350F or 175C for 30-45 minutes. Topping with e`clairs chocolate liquid or dust with powdered sugar if you desired
- if use instant chocolate or vanilla flavour cake mix, just ignore the cocoa powder or vanilla essence & sugar
- only add egg, oil & plain carbonated soda water without sugar & raisin or dried mixed fruit