20cm konbu kelp soak + 3 1/3 cups of water - make konbu stock for rice, shrimps, mushroom & lotus root
RiceIngredient (serve 2 or 3)
2 cup rice
2 cups konbu stock (use above stock)
Vinegared Dressing For Rice
2 tbsp sugar
1/2 tsp salt
1/4 cups vinegar- then added water (little bit water only)
Ingredients A
2 eggs
1 tsp sugar
pinch of salt
vegetable oil
Ingredients B
6 shrimps
water & salt
3 tbsp konbu stock water
1 tbsp vinegar
1 tsp sugar
pinch of salt
Ingredients C
4 dried shitake mushroom
2/5 konbu stock water
2 tbsp sugar
1 tbsp japanese soy sauce
Ingredients D
1/2 carrot
2/5 konbu stock water
1 tsp sugar
pinch of salt
Ingredients E
1 2/5 oz lotus root
3 tbsp konbu stock water
2 tbsp vinegar
1 tbsp sugar
pinch of salt
Ingredient F
8-10 snow peas or french bean (used french bean - after boiled, cut small size)
- To prepare konbu Kelp Stock, 20cm konbu, wipe konbu with a clean cloth to clean, fill a bold with 3 1/3cups cold water and add the kelp cleaned in, let it stand for about 2 hours in summer and 4 hours in winter or soak konbu in the water for about one hour to make stock, remove the kelp when the stock is ready
- Wash the rice 30 min prior to cook, and drain on a sieve,
- Put the vinegar, sugar and salt to a small pot, and heat slightly until dissolved , This completes like the vinegar dressing
- placed the rice and stock into rice cooker, and cook. When cooking is finished, keep the cooker covered and let it stand for about 10 min until the grain are settled.
- Transfer the rice to a wooden sushi bold moistened with vinegar added water, sprinkle the vinegar dressing all over the rice, Using a flat wooden spoon , toss the rice with horizontal, cutting strokes while cooling the rice with the hand-fan, When tossing is completed, cover the rice with clean cloth moistened with vinegar added water, Tips on tips, I. Use only a sideways cutting motion when mixing the vinegar dressing with rice, otherwise, the rice will become mushy II. Wooden sushi bowls eliminate the excess moisture of cooked rice, and keep the grain firm. III. Used an electric fan if any at home, and set the current of air low and let it swing in order to let the rice exposed to the breeze while mixing the rice. It will facilitate cooling off the rice and result in making tasty and glossy vinegared rice
- Prepare ingredients as follows :
- A - beat the eggs with cutting storkes. Add sugar and salt to beaten to the beaten eggs, and strain. Coat a frying pan thinly with vegetable oil, pour in the beaten eggs and make a papper-thin omelet. When coll, fold and cut into julienne strips
- B- Mix the stock, vinegar, sugar and salt to make seasoning liquid. Devein the shrimps. Put just enough salt and water in a pot to cover the shrimps to the pan, and simmer while stirring until all the liquid is gone. When cool, shell the shrimp, soak in the seasoning liquid and set aside.
- C- Soak the dried shitake mushroom in cold water to soften, and remove the stems. Put the stock, sugar and shitake into a small pan, and place over a low heat for 5 min. Add soy sauce, and evaporated. When cool, cut the simmered shitake mushrooms into 1/8 inch x 18 inch squares.
- D- Peel the carrot, and cut in half crosswise. Cut one half into about 1/16 inch wide julienne strips, Slice the remaining half into 1/8 inch , and stamp out into a flower shape. Place the stock sugar, salt, and both shredded & slice carrot in a pot, and simmer over a low heat until tender.
- F- Peel the lotus root, and slice thinly. Cut the slices either half -moon or quarter-rounds. Immerse them in vinegar-added water. Boiled briefly, and while hot soak in the seasoning liquid made of the stock, vinegar, sugar and salt. Makes sure that the half -moons or quartered-rounds are completely submerged in the liquid. Let it stand until cool
- G- String the snow peas or french beans, boiled briefly, in boiling salted water and rinse in cold water. Cut into half-lenghts or cut small pieces the french beans
- When the vinegered rice is cooled to body temperature, mix it with the parched sesame, as well as the shitake mushrooms, shredded carrot prepare in 2 above, and place everything into a serving vessel. Scatter the eggs threads all over the rice, and decorate the surface colorfully with lotus root, shrimps, carrot flowers and snow peas or cut french beans Tips on tips when mixing the vinegar dressing with rice, using a flat wooden spoon, to prepare vinegared rice, always use a sideways cutting motion to prevent the grains from being mashed. If mashed the texture will become pasty.